Understanding the Phenomenon of the ‘Rich Getting Richer’ through the Cantillon Effect

Have you ever noticed that the rich are constantly getting richer, no matter the circumstances? How are they doing this exactly? Well, it appears the main reason for the rich getting richer is a phenomenon known as the Cantillon effect, which basically states that money printing will benefit certain parts of the economy more than others. In fact, it will give some people more purchasing power at the expense of others in the economy.

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Sleep Well, Earn Well: Passive Income Ideas to Make Money While You Sleep

Ever wondered if you could earn money while you sleep? Well, guess what – it’s totally possible! Imagine waking up to find your bank account a little fatter, all thanks to the clever ways you’ve set up to make extra cash without constantly working for it. This magical money-making concept is called “passive income.”

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20 AI-Powered Side Hustles for Extra Income Outside Your Job

In today’s rapidly changing world, artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved swiftly, revolutionizing the way we live and work. With its incredible capabilities, AI has opened up new opportunities for side hustles, allowing individuals to tap into its power and unlock unique income streams.

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The Rise and Fall of Vine, the original TikTok

In the vast world of social media, where bite-sized content has become the norm, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube have captured our attention with their short video formats. We often find ourselves scrolling through quick, captivating clips that entertain, inform, and connect us with others. But have you ever wondered where this trend originated? Before Instagram Reels and TikTok took the stage, Vine emerged as a groundbreaking platform, revolutionizing the way we share and consume videos. It introduced the concept of micro-entertainment, challenging creators to captivate audiences within a mere six-second time limit.

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The History and Relevance of Gold as an Investment

For centuries gold has been a store of value, coveted for its scarcity and universal acceptance. The popularity of gold is attributed to a unique set of characteristics that makes it exceptionally well-suited for storing and investing.

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What you need to know about Central Bank Digital Currency CBDC

CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) is a topic that has been making headlines lately. But what exactly is a CBDC? In simple words, CBDCs are digital versions of traditional paper fiat currency created and regulated by central banks (Dollar, Yuan, Rupee) of respective countries. CBDCs are gaining increasing attention from governments around the world as they have the potential to revolutionize the way regulators can impose monetary policies and encourage or crack down people’s economic activities. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at CBDCs and examine the pros and cons of this emerging technology.

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How the Investigative Journalist Coffeezilla Became the Internet’s Favorite Scam Buster

Coffeezilla, aka Stephen Findeisen, is a rising star in the world of investigative journalism on YouTube. With a subscriber count of 2.72 million as of this writing and many videos with millions of views, his popularity is on the rise.

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Let’s create AI Images Using Midjourney and Dall-E 2

Art has always been a medium for human expression and creativity, but with the advent of artificial intelligence, the concept of what art is and who creates it has become more complicated. An AI art generator is a computer program designed to create artwork using artificial intelligence technology. This type of generative AI can be used to create a wide array of art forms, from digital art and abstract paintings to realistic images of portraits and landscapes.

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10 Lucrative Side Hustles You Can Start This Year

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck and looking for ways to increase your income? A side hustle may be the perfect solution for you. With the rise in costs of living, more and more people are turning to side hustles to supplement their monthly income and gain financial independence. The best part is you don’t have to be an expert or have a specific skill set to start a side hustle.

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Gold Vs. Bitcoin – Which Can Keep Its Value in an Inflationary Environment?

For centuries, gold coins or bullions has been the go-to asset for those looking to store their wealth and protect themselves against economic uncertainty. But, as the world of finance and investments continues to evolve, new forms of investment assets have emerged, challenging the traditional forms of investing. One of the most significant examples of this is the rise of bitcoin, a digital currency that has disrupted the way we think about money and investing.

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